Damion (Warning: explicit adult language)
Damn, that's a fine ass babe that just walked up in this place! I'm a sucker for those long, dark curly hair, olive skin, you can't tell what the fuck they are types. Italian? Greek? Puerto Rican? All I know is these bitches be FOINE as shit, especially the ones with the green or blue eyes. That shit is sexy as HELL! I can see one riding my dick right now, both my hands full of soft, white ass...
This place is crawling with those type babes, all giving out those little "yeah, I'd do you" looks. A brother wouldn't even know where to begin...
I gotta step my game up around here because the dollars are not rolling in like I need 'em to. Everybody on this floor is a goddamn shark, and if you don't have big fuckin' teeth, you don't eat. Killer instinct rules.
That hog ass Mike stole 4 of my girls. That's a nice chunk of dough straight outta my damn pocket. I don't know how he does it, hell, he ain't no where NEAR as stud as me, but these bitches in here love his ass. Before he came, I was the hot motherfucker on the floor, bitches creamin' in ther damn panties to train with me. Now, they're trying to get with him first. I gotta put a stop to this shit, and NOW. The only question is how? I gotta get a plan...
If it wasn't for Gina slipping me some cash now and then to "go get me something nice", I wouldn't be able to keep my wardrobe up to par the way I do. It's okay, though...she's a good fuck for an old broad, and I train her hard to keep that ass nice and tight.
Problem is, she's starting to get a little bit more demanding lately, talking about "Come over as soon as you finish your last client". Who the fuck does she think she is? Bitch doesn't own me! I'm my OWN motherfuckin' man! I gotta let that shit slide for now, though, cause her money is long, and she IS helpin' to pay a nigga's bills...
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